National Paralympic Day of I. R. Iran (NPD)



 One of the accomplishments of the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979 was Sport Federation for the Disabled which was formed in 1980, through which the government, having recognized the target community, brings this federation under the supportive aegis of national sport organization, next to other national federations.

Followed by two decades’ activities of Iran Sports Federation for the DisabledIran NPC came into existence on 5th, February 2001 that put qualitative and quantitative development of summer and winter Paralympic games sports at the top of this committee's agenda out of which was born the idea of a national scale celebration of Paralympic Day with the promoting Paralympic movement through attracting the target community among the youth, adolescent boys and girls and their families. 

The rationale behind marking this day is to pull the target community out of social isolation, fulfill their sport rights in the community, bolster public-scale facilitation of Paralympic movement, promote self-confidence, offer a platform across the country to develop their involvement in the game, and change the social attitude towards this target community.

Drafting the public sport commission constitution on 19th Feb 2002, the groundwork was laid for the planning and organizing of this remarkable day via running a test event with participation of 300 adolescent boys and girls in the Enghelab Sports Complex.

The successful staging of such an event and its impact on developing the Paralympic Movement led to the inclusion of 16 October on the Iranian annual calendar as the National Paralympic Day by a Presidential order issued on 7th Oct 2015.

NPC Iran in collaboration with 16 National Federations, who cover twenty summer and winter Paralympic sports, staged the 15th Ceremony of IR Iran National Paralympic Day took place across all cities on 16 October 2022 which was a further success to the Paralympic Movement in the country.

The most important international officials who participated or issued messages to the national Paralympic day from 2002 to 2022 are as follows:

  • IPC:  Sir Philip Craven, Andrew Parsons, Miguel Sagarra
  • UN: Wilfried Lemke
  • APC: Dato Zainal Abu Zarin, Tarek Souei, Majid Rashed


2002: Pre-Test Event

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As a pioneer, NPC Iran sent the plan of holding National Paralympic Day ceremony to the International Paralympic Committee. On the 5th of November 2002, IPC Secretary General Miguel Sagarra replied to Iran NPC’s plan through a supportive message.

IPC Secretary General Miguel Sagarra's Supportive Message:

“I would like to congratulate you on your initiative and encourage you to work hard.”

Following NPC officials’ efforts and IPC positive considerations, Iran NPC started to organize a pre-test event the and the ceremony was held by the attendance of 300 children with disabilities (Amputees, cerebral palsies, Intellectual disability, spinal cords and Blinds) along with their families, training coaches, Paralympic champions and sports officials at the National Olympic and Paralympic Academy (NOPAin Tehran.

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2003: The 1st Edition of Iran NPD

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The first celebration of ‘IRI National Paralympic Day’ in 2003 featured 2,860 participants and the pilot city was Tehran, Capital of Iran.

Tehran's ceremony held with Para sports exhibitions and educational workshops for children with disabilities at the National Olympic and Paralympic Academy (NOPA) of Iran.


  • Date: 9October 2003
  • Number of Pilot Province(s): One
  • Number of Participant: 2,860
  • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media.
  • NPD medals: All the disabled children received an exclusive medal of National Paralympic Committee as gift (to inspire and motivate them for beginning a sportive life).
  • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

movie icon

           2003 NPD Teaser    




2004 npd album 16

2004: The 2nd Edition of Iran NPD

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The Second edition of ‘National Paralympic Day’ in 2004 featured more participants in comparison with the first edition. 

The Week programs performed between 2 to7 October and Celebrations held with para sports exhibitions and educational workshops held at the sports complexes across all 6 provinces around 6,000 people attended this ceremony on 7th October. 

All target invitees had the opportunity to participate in sporting activities of the different Paralympic sports including Archery, Athletics Cycling, Powerlifting, Table Tennis, Sitting Volleyball, Wheelchair Basketball and Wheelchair Tennis in different stations and stands along with Iranian Medalist and athletes in Disabled sports.

After a walking demonstration for one kilometer, every participant was awarded a gold medal.

Tehran's ceremony was held at the National Olympic and Paralympic Academy (NOPA) of Iran.

The report of the Day was considered by the IPC officials.

  • Date: 7 Oct 2004
  • Number of Pilot Provinces: 6
  • Number of Participant: 6,000
  • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media.
  • NPD medals: All the disabled children received a medal and a ball (to inspire and motivate them for sport) as a gift.

  • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

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2004 NPD's Teaser



2005AlbumNPD 12

2005: The 3rd Edition of Iran NPD

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The 3rd Edition of IR Iran NPD held on 29 Sep 2005, by the attendance of 11,000 male and female children with an impairment across 17 provinces of the country.

Several ceremonies and sport activities were implemented at sports complexes across the country. In addition, 14000 books on the theme of sports for disabled were distributed among the participants.

Dignitaries, Messages and Speeches

Miguel Sagarra, IPC Secretary General attended in the 3rd NPD Tehran ceremony as an international dignitary and a message from Sir Philip Craven, the President of the International Paralympic Committee recited by IPC Secretary General in the event.

Miguel Sagarra IPC Secretary General

IPC Secretary General recites Sir Philip Craven' message

  • Date: 29 Sep 2005
  • Number of Provinces: 17
  • Number of Participant: 11,000
  • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media.
  • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

  •  Click on the below link to read the memorial note, in the Ceremony Book of the 15th NPD:

         Miguel Sagarra, IPC Secretary General's memorial note

  • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

movie icon

2005 NPD's Teaser




2007AlbumNPD 7

2007: The 4th Edition of Iran NPD

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Under the motto of “Spirit in Motion”, Iran NPC held the 4th Edition of NPD.

  • The programs were performed by the attendance of 17,060 participants; the male & female children with different impairment participated from 30 provinces of the country on 25 Oct 2007.

    Tehran's ceremony attended by high ranked officials such as the Ministry of Youth and Sport, National Olympic and Paralympic Presidents and may celebrities of the sports at Shahid Shiroudi Sports Complex.

    • Date: 25 Oct 2007
    • Number of Provinces:30
    • Number of Participant: 17,000
    • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media.
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • IPC Report of the fourth edition Iran National Paralympic Day.

    • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

    movie icon

    2007 NPD's Teaser



    2011 NPD main photo

    2011: The 5th Edition of Iran NPD

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    With more than 10 months to the 2012 London Paralympic Games the 5th Edition of Iran NPD the 5th edition of the ceremony held limitedly by attendance of 20,000 people in the country.

    At Tehran’s Azadi Sports Complex the participants part took part in sporting events, including demonstrations in Football 7-a-Side and Wheelchair Basketball. They gathered in and around the stadium to witness the encouragement and promotion of Paralympic Sport for young athletes with impairment.

    The young athletes had the chance to meet famous Paralympians who opened their eyes to new opportunities in sport for those with impairment.

    Moreover, the audience was entertained with different interesting live performances, while the children with disabilities had the chance to speak with the experts and get advice on their talents for Paralympic sports. In addition, a square in the capital Tehran is named "Paralympic" in this Day.

    Dignitaries, Messages and Speeches

    The celebration was started by the speech of APC President, Dato Zainal Abu Zarin who had traveled to Iran for this event, and Sir Philip Craven's message was read by NPC Secretary General on 16 Oct 2011.

    Sir Philip Craven

    The Video Message of IPC President


    • Date: 16 Oct 2011
    • Number of Provinces: 30
    • Number of Participant: 20,000
    • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media.
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • IPC Report of the fifth edition Iran National Paralympic Day.

    • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

    movie icon

    2011 NPD's Teaser



    2001NPDalbum 1

    2013: The 6th Edition of Iran NPD

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    The 6th Edition of Iran's NPD performed with presence of 30,000 boys & girls with various kinds of disabilities accompanied by their parents and teachers.

    Under the motto of "Trust, Empowerment, Hope, Happiness on Paralympic Route National Paralympic Day at the Azadi Sports Complex in Tehran, Iran, on 4 Dec 2013.

    National Paralympic Week festival was celebrated simultaneously in all provinces of our country. As part of the festivities, they received an inclusive National Paralympic Day medal and met with the Iranian Sport Minister, Co-operate Minister, National Olympic Committee officials, Paralympians and other sporting officials and invited dignitaries. Happy and funny programs by the national TV were presented.

    In conjunction with Paralympic Day's events, the first meeting of APC Women in Sport Committee held in Tehran. The meeting attended by members from Japan, Korea, Pakistan and followed by their presenence in the ceremony of NPD at Azadi Sports Complex.

    Dignitaries, Messages and Speeches

    Sir Philip Craven’s message broadcasted from a video – conference in the ceremony at Azadi Sports Complex. A supportive message of United Nations Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace Wilfred Lemke was also delivered.

    • Date: 4 December 2013     
    • Number of Provinces: 30
    • Number of Participant: 30,00
    • NPC Partners: The AGITOS Foundation, Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media.
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • The memorial notes image in the Ceremony Book of the 6th NPD, click on the below link:

    United Nations Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Sport Wilfred Lemke's memorial note

    • IPC Report of the sixth edition Iran National Paralympic Day.
    • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

    movie icon

    2013 NPD's Teaser



    2014main pic

    2014: The 7th Edition of Iran NPD

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    Athletes and officials came together to celebrate Iran's 7th National Paralympic Day on 12 October 2014. The national Day and Week were held by presence of about 40,000 participants across the country.

    In the morning of 12th October 8,000 children with an impartment celebrated National Paralympic Day in Azadi Sports Complex (12,000 seating capacity) in Tehran. The little champions received an inclusive National Paralympic Day medal from Sport Minister, Cooperative Minister, NOC officials, Paralympians and other sporting officials and invited dignitaries.

    The video message of Sir Philip Craven showed when the horse riders with impairment paraded the stadium, carrying the flag of IPC and ISODs.

    Wilfred Lemke, Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary-General on Sport for Development and Peace, supported the Ceremony by sending an official message, read by Paralympic Shooting Champion, Sareh Javanmardi.

    Paralympic Sports such as Football, Powerlifting, Shooting, Boccia, Archery and others were demonstrated by Iranian Champions.

    This live broadcasting ceremony reached its peak when Mr. Ali Rabiei, the Minister of Cooperatives, Labour & Social Welfare, quoted the thorough support of Iran President in a short speech.

    The children and their accompanying families and nurses left the stadium with this belief “sports can be an innovative and efficient tool to promote health, development, and peace in the whole world”.

    Dignitaries, Messages and Speeches

    In addition to broadcast of a video message from Sir Philip Craven (IPC President) and an official text message of Mr. Wilfried Lemke, was delivered by Iran's Paralympic Shooting Champion Sareh Javanmardi.                                                                                                     

    • Date: 12 Oct 2014
    • Number of Provinces: 30
    • Number of Participant: 40,000
    • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, the Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor & Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media.
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • IPC Report of the seventh edition Iran National Paralympic Day.

    • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

    movie icon


    2015 NPD Album 19

    2015: The 8th Edition of Iran NPD

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    Iran National Paralympic Committee (NPC) celebrated their National Paralympic Day on 13 October 2015, promoting the event was attended by high-ranked officials, including Wilfried Lemke, United Nations Secretary General Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace. Lemke was joined by Tarek Souei, the Chief Executive Officer of the Asian Paralympic Committee.

    Additionally, among the approximate 40,000 participants, there was also a strong showing of children both with and without impairments at the event.

    Dignitaries, Messages and Speeches

    A video message from the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) President Sir Philip Craven was played at a special ceremony in the Iranian capital.

    2015 Craven

    video message of IPC President Sir Philip Craven

    During the ceremony, Wilfried Lemke also addressed the audiences by a speech, and he also joined the athletes with disabilities' demonstration of para sports at the Azadi Sport Complex indoor saloon.

    Lemke pic speech

    Wilfried Lemke's speech  

    • Date: 12 Oct 2015
    • Number of Provinces: 30
    • Number of Participant: around 40,500
    • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor & Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Interior, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI Welfare Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media, Tehran Municipality, Iranian Red Crescent
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • Click on the below link to read the memorial notes, in the Ceremony Book of the 8th NPD:

    UN Secretary General Special Adviser on Sport Wilfred Lemke's memorial note

    APC CEO Tarek Souei's memorial note

    • IPC Report of the eighth edition Iran National Paralympic Day.

    • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

    movie icon

    2015 NPD's Teaser



    2016NPD album 3

    2016: The 9th Edition of Iran NPD

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    With more than 8 months to the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games the 9th Edition of Iran NPD ceremony held limitedly in Tehran.

    The Iran National Paralympic Committee (NPC) celebrated the 9th Edition of National Paralympic Day on 3 December 2016.

    The week events also held with participation of 41,280 children and youth students with different impairments across the country.

    NPC Iran aimed at delivering the following targets during National Paralympic Week:

    • Making the motivation and self-belief among people with impairment
    • Contribution to the inclusion of the people with impairment
    • Introducing Paralympic Movement to the society
    • Inviting the relative organizations and the stakeholders to offer public services
    • Changing the attitudes towards people with impairment
    • Creating a cheerful and happy atmosphere among the target population
    • Providing social opportunities for the target population

    Through the efforts of IRI NPC officials the Day was included in the National Calendar by a Presidential order in 2016.

    • Date: 3 Dec 2016
    • Number of Provinces: 30
    • Number of Participant: around 40,000
    • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor & Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Interior, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI Welfare Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media, Tehran Municipality, Iranian Red Crescent
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.



    2017 NPD Album 15

    2017: The 10th Edition of Iran NPD

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    Thousands of people with impairments have gathered across Iran to mark their tenth Paralympic Day. Groups in several provinces and cities, including the capital Tehran on 18 Oct 2017.

    Representatives from several sports federations, universities and the country’s National Olympic Committee were also among those taking part in the event.

    Every child who participated in the “Sports for All” program also received a free volleyball or football as a commemorative gift.

    Dignitaries, Messages and Speeches

    A video message from new International Paralympic Committee (IPC) President Andrew Parsons was played at a special ceremony in the Iranian capital, attended by officials from the Ministry of Youth and Sports.

    A video message of IPC President Andrew Parsons

    • Date: 18 Oct 2017
    • Number of Provinces: 31
    • Number of Participant: around 53,200
    • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor & Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Interior, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI Welfare Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media, Tehran Municipality, Iranian Red Crescent
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • IPC Report of the tenth edition Iran National Paralympic Day.

    • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

    movie icon

    2017 NPD's Teaser



    2018 NPD Album 1

    2018: The 11th Edition of Iran NPD

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    Around 60,000 Children, juniors and Youths (Boys & Girls) from all over the country invited to participate in the National Paralympic Day ceremony to experience the Paralympic Sports on 16 October 2018. Sport Officials, coaches, families and 2018 Asian Para Games medalist joined the celebration of this event.

    The Ceremony held in 31 provinces, IR Iran simultaneously. Tens of Educational Sport Workshops were held and the attendees have come to the new experiences on the Sport fields.

    The presence of the Officials, Coaches and Families caused the increase of their awareness about the effectiveness of the National Paralympic Day on the target group society.

    • Date: 16 Oct 2018
    • Number of Provinces: 31
    • Number of Participant: 60,000
    • Partners: Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports Federation for the Blind, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor & Social Welfare, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Ministry of Interior, IRI Exceptional Education Organization, IRI Welfare Organization, IRI National Broadcasting and the relative media, Tehran Municipality, Iranian Red Crescent
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • IPC Report of the eleventh edition Iran National Paralympic Day.

    • Click on the below movie icon to watch:

    movie icon

    2018 NPD's Teaser


    2019 summerNPD 1

    2019: The 12th Edition of IR Iran NPD

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    Holding two National Paralympic Days, the 2019 was a special year for Iran's Paralympic Movement.

    Firstly, NPC Iran celebrated 12th edition of NPD as an annual routine on November 13. Then, 6 months later, the Pre-Test edition of National Winter Paralympic Day was held in Tehran at Dizin Ski Resort. 


    Nearly 60,000 people with impairment celebrated the 12th National Paralympic Day in 31 cities of Iran on 13 Nov 2019. Because of air pollution and the public cancellation of schools in Tehran, National Paralympic Day was not held in this city.

    National Week programs started from November 7th and some main activities were implemented during these days such as:

    • Organizing workshops in schools & universities and for media to introduce Paralympic Movement to the society and also to raise their awareness about the movement and people with impairment.
    • Acknowledging Para athletes & their families
    • visiting the rehabilitation centers for the people with impairment

    The following organizations partnered NPC Iran to organize Paralympic Week & Day:

    Ministry of Education, Ministry of Petroleum, Ministry of Sport and Youth, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance, Ministry of Health and Medical Education, National Broadcasting of IR Iran and the relative media, Municipalities of 31 cities, Sports Federation for the Disabled, Sports federation for the Blind.

    • Date: 13 Nov 2019
    • Number of Provinces: 31
    • Number of Participant: 60,000
    • NPD medals and gifts: all the disabled children received a medal and a ball as a gift.

    • IPC Report of the twelfth edition Iran National Paralympic Day.


    2019 NPD Album 1

    2019: National Winter Paralympic Day (test event)

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     For the first time, a pre- test event of National Winter Paralympic Day was held in Tehran, Iran, on 10 May 2019.

    IR Iran NPC with cooperation of Para Winter Sports Association organized a test event of National Winter Paralympic Day.

    Nearly 30 people, including students with disabilities, their families and coaches participated in the ceremony at the Tehran’s Dizin Ski Resort.

    Along with funny programs, the attendees were informed of introductory issues of the winter para sports through the educational workshops during the events.




    2020The 13th Edition of Iran NPD

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    Due to the outbreak of Covid-19the and world’s uncertainty about ending of the challenging situation, innovative sports planning for the target population, were required to provide the necessary sports supports for the future editions of Paralympics.

    Therefore, regardless of the outbreak of COVID-19 in the world, Iran’s NPC tried to keep the target population active through holding virtual sports for all programs.

    Under the strict safety guidelines, NPC Iran staged National Paralympic Day symbolically at the National Olympic and Paralympic Academy on October 31.

    The event, which was broadcasted on a live TV show on national IRIB, was attended by a limited number of officials from sport and government including the president of NPC Iran, deputy minister of Education and head of Special Needs Education Organization and also deputy minister of Sport and Youth.

    In this ceremony, Mohammad Tabe, NPC Iran CEO, welcomed the guests and delivered a short speech regarding Paralympic Movement. Afterwards, Zahra Nemati, the Iranian Paralympic gold medalist, recited the message of National Paralympic Day and week.

    At the end of the ceremony, National Paralympic Committee presented 8,600 packages to the following organizations and their target population, including:

    • 3,000 to State Welfare Organization of Iran,
    • 3,000 to Special Needs Education Organization, and
    • 2,600 to Para Sports Boards across the country.

    Each package contained a ball, a cover, a t-shirt, some face masks and hand sanitizer.



    2021: The 14th Edition of Iran NPD

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    The 14th Edition of NPD held with presence of about 40,000 participants, (abled and disabled) which saw 8,000 children with an impairment celebrated National Paralympic Day at IR Iran Olympic and Paralympic Academy in Tehran on 16 October 2021.

    Under the slogan, "Mobility, Empowerment, Making Honor", the event was held in the grass court of National Olympic and Paralympic Academy (NOPA IRAN), while attended by many distinguished guests, including the Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, President of the National Olympic Committee and President of the National Paralympic Committee, Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa.

    As part of the festivities, they received an inclusive National Paralympic Day medal and met with the Iranian Sport Minister, Co-operate Minister, National Olympic Committee officials, Paralympians and other sporting officials and invited dignitaries.

    The message of National Paralympic Day recited by Zahra Nemati, three-time Paralympic gold medalist on behalf of I.R. Iran NPC.

    13 Federation & 27 Ministries, Organization and NGO played their role to promote this occasion.


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    2022: The 15th Edition of Iran NPD

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    The 15th National Paralympic Day, an annual festival aimed at boosting Para sports culture, was held across the country on Sunday, 16 October 2022.

    After a two-year pause in staging the National Paralympic day due to the outbreak COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021, the 2022 event faced a decrease in the number of participants.

    Though, based on the NPC Iran's prediction 60,000 people with impairment from the target community were supposed to attend the nationwide festival, but the final number of participants landed at 42,700 individuals.

    Along with the National Paralympic Day Ceremonies, a range of programs and activities are planned to be launched each year during Paralympic Week with each day allocated to one area.

    Live streamed on Iranian state television, the festival featured a variety of entertainment, including performances by popular TV presenters, local musicians and artists, as well as appearances of several famous athletes.

    Demonstration medals, sport balls and gifts were offered to audience members as a part of the ceremony.

    IPC Parsons

    The Video Message of IPC President

    A video message from the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) President Andrew Parsons was played at a special ceremony in the Iranian capital. In it, the IPC President underlined the important role of families of people with disabilities.

    mr rashed

    APC President delivered a speech in the Ceremony

    The Asian Paralympic Committee (APC) President Majid Rashed attended in Tehran's Azadi Indoor Stadium, which has a capacity of 12,000, to watch thousands of people with impairments gather to play and celebrate Para sports.


    Mr. President also delivered a speech and underlined the importance of hosting such an event to put a spotlight on the Paralympic Movement, which changes attitudes towards people with disabilities.

    In addition to attend in the 15th edition of NPD’s Ceremony, APC President Majid Rashed accompanied by APC CEO Tarek Souei met the IRI minster of Sport and Youth Affairs and the Chairman of NPC and NOC.

    In a meeting held at the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs headquarters, he presented the Asian Paralympic Honorary Golden Badge (the highest accolade anyone can receive within the Asian Paralympic Movement) to Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa, Chairman of the NPC and NOC of Iran.

    He also visited the facilities of IR Iran Tochal Ski Resort, Sports Museum, National Paralympic Academy, Iran NPC departments and the IRISFD’s national training camps.


    APC President concluded his three-day visit by attending a press conference that lasted almost an hour and answered all the questions raised.


    partners logos


    NPD's teaser

    Click to Watch

    • Reports of 15th NPD:



    inside the games

    Tehran Times

    • Click on the below link to read the memorial notes, in the Ceremony Book of the 15th NPD:

    APC President Majid Rashed's memorial note

    APC CEO Tarek Souei memorial note

    180 degree


    Iran NPD Chart 2002to2022 PNG


    Two-Decade National Paralympic Day180 degree

    The fifteen editions of the ceremony produced countless moments that will endure in the collective memory of Paralympic Movement in the country. From capital to all cities, there were smiles and celebrations aplenty as thousands of people with impairment along with their families, coaches and volunteers came together to enjoy what was a true Para festival.

    Top Five Achievements:

    • Community, State officials’ inclusion, Media coverage of the ceremony through the country
    • Acknowledge the target community through dedicating a special day into the national calendar
    • Providing an opportunity for the target community observing the elite and role models of Para sports in person
    • inspire and motivate other countries
    • Attending of youth, adults; boys and girls out of all diverse of impairments along with their families in this ceremony to be encouraged to follow a Paralympic sport

    Top Five Moments:

    • The message of Philip Craven delivered by IPC Secretary General, 2005.
    • The attendance of the UN Special Adviser on Sport for Development and Peace, Mr. Wilfried Lemke, 2015.
    • 16 October named as the National Paralympic Day in Iranian Calendar, 2016.
    • The spread of National Paralympic Day/Week celebration from the Capital (2002) to 31 Provinces (2022).
    • The resumption of National Paralympic Day celebration after a 2-year Covid-19 Pandemic, 2022.