
Apr 4, 2016 10:42

Martyred scientist Ali-Mohammadi’s son Named as the Head of I.R. Iran Delegation participating in Rio 2016 Paralympic Games

Monday 4th April - Martyred nuclear scientist Masoud Ali-Mohammadi’s son has been named as the Head of I.R. Iran Delegation participating in Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.
Monday 4th April - Martyred nuclear scientist Masoud Ali-Mohammadi’s son has been named as the Head of I.R. Iran Delegation participating in Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

Mohammadi was martyred in January 2010 when a remote-controlled bomb attached to a motorcycle exploded outside his home in Tehran.

Iranian National Paralympic Committee President Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa appointed his son, Iman Ali-Mohammadi, as the Head of country’s Paralympics delegation in Rio.

Ali-Mohammadi, who was born on August 24, 1959, was admitted to Shiraz University in southern Iran in the fall of 1978 and majored in physics. In 1985, he was admitted to a graduate program in physics at Sharif University of Technology. After receiving his M.S. degree in physics, he was admitted to the doctoral program in physics.

In 1992 Sharif University granted its first Ph.D. degree in physics to Dr. Ali-Mohammadi. He then joined the faculty of the University of Tehran as an assistant professor in physics and was eventually promoted to full professor there.
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