
Aug 20, 2017 05:42

New Talented Sitting Volleyball Player has been known

The second tall sitting volleyball player can turn to be as one of the sport star in the country.

The second tall sitting volleyball player can turn to be as one of the sport star in the country.

According to the Tasnim News Agency Sports Reporter, no doubt I. R. Iran Sitting Volleyball team is the First ranking of world sitting volleyball and it seems that if the effective planning keep on going and based on the existence potential talented athletes, this ranking will continue.

It was a few years ago that Morteza Mehrzad (246 cm height) has been found as the tallest world disabled athlete. And he is now one of the I. R. Iran National Sitting Volleyball Team main members who played an important role in 2016 Rio Paralympic Games that helped I. R. Iran to be the champion in Brazil.



Looking for the talented players did not stop which resulted in finding another capable player. If the required proper planning is taking into consideration, he will be one of the main effective players who can cause the success of I. R. Iran sitting volleyball in the future. 

Amirmohammad Ebrahimi, the 23-year-old (220 cm height) is the second tallest sitting volleyball player. Ebrahimi is currently I. R. Iran Youth Sitting Volleyball Team Member and lives in Amol.

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