
Sep 16, 2017 11:39

Majid Farzin ready to set new world record

With just over two weeks to go until the World Para Powerlifting Championships get underway in Mexico City is nearly here, Iran’s Majid Farzin is fully prepared and focused on two clear aims for the competition.
With just over two weeks to go until the World Para Powerlifting Championships get underway in Mexico City is nearly here, Iran’s Majid Farzin is fully prepared and focused on two clear aims for the competition.

“I hope that in the light of my trust in the Almighty God and with the prayers of my fellow citizens, I wish to achieve the gold medal and break the world record again in Mexico.”

The Iranian athlete exceeded all expectations at last year’s Paralympic Games in Rio, when he set a new World and Paralympic record in the up to 80kg category with a lift of 240 kg. Unsurprisingly, he describes this as his greatest sporting achievement so far.

“I am very satisfied with my performance in the 2016 Paralympic Games as I achieved both the gold medal and breaking the Paralympic record. I thank God for being able to lift three times more than my body weight of 80 kg. Now, my name is registered in the Guinness World Record Book, and after the winner of the over 107 kg category, I lifted the heaviest lift in the entire Rio games.”

The winner of the over 107 kg category with a lift of 310 kg was Iranian teammate Siamand Rahman, who won Best Male at the 2017 Paralympic Sport Awards and is known as the world’s strongest Paralympian.

Despite this, Farzin does not see Rahman’s achievements as a threat.

“Siamand and I have common goals, we give energy to each other and focus on our training and preparation to bring honour to our country. We always have synergy for each other and we both aim to achieve the best results in competitions.”

“He is one of my best friends and teammates in the Iran National Para Powerlifting Team and a respectable friend.”
The World Championships are very near, but Farzin has his sights set a little bit further ahead.

“Currently, my main goal is to become fully ready for Tokyo 2020, as I want to win the gold medal and hopefully break the world record again in these games. After Tokyo 2020, I plan to participate in international refereeing courses, hopefully to be qualified for starting my career as an international referee to judge at world and Paralympic competitions as an Iranian delegate. Now I am a PhD student at Teheran University in Physical education and sports sciences,” he explains.

Farzin has been powerlifting for 12 years, and it is safe to say the sport has turned into a lifestyle.

“For me, exercising the sport means getting a better spirit and mentality for better living and enjoying my life beside my family. I find motivation in competing in international arenas to bring honour to my lovely country and for my dear nation, and raising the holy flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran and playing the national anthem of my country to bring pride and glorification for our nation.”


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