
Feb 28, 2018 10:46

Tokyo 2020: Mascots revealed!

The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020) today unveiled their official Olympic and Paralympic mascots, following an evaluation of three shortlisted design sets by elementary schoolchildren across Japan and at Japanese schools overseas.
The Tokyo Organizing Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (Tokyo 2020) today unveiled their official Olympic and Paralympic mascots, following an evaluation of three shortlisted design sets by elementary schoolchildren across Japan and at Japanese schools overseas.

Design Set A secured the largest number of classroom votes and will accordingly serve as the official mascots of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020.

205,755 classes at 16,769 schools took part in the election, with the winning Design Set A receiving 109,041 votes. Design Set B attracted 61,423 votes and Design Set C received 35,291. The results were announced in front of around 600 children at Hoyonomori Gakuen School in Tokyo, one of the schools which participated in the voting process.

The Paralympic mascot is a cool character with cherry tactile sense and supernatural power. The Mascot is usually calm, however it gets very powerful when needed. It has a dignified inner strength and a kind heart that loves nature. It can talk with stones and the wind. It can also move things just by looking at them.

The Paralympic Mascot was born from a traditional chequered pattern and cherry blossom flowers, wrote.

The ceremony was live-streamed in order to allow children all over the country to share the moment and discover the winner in real time. Public viewings were also organized in several schools.

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