
Oct 16, 2022 21:42

Asian Paralympic Committee President visits Tochal Ski Resort

Asian Paralympic Committee President visits Tochal Ski Resort


APC president Majid Rashed and APC CEO Tarek Souei, visited the site which is due to be the host venue of the inaugural edition of the International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS) Winter Games that is set to be held on March 2023 in Iran.


APC delegates toured the site, while NPC international affairs director Dr. Maryam Shokouhi, president of IRI Ski Federation Abbas Nazarian and director of the venue Rouhollah Emdad delivered comments about IWAS 2023 Winter Games and capabilities of the complex to host ski competitions.


Speaking at station 5 of the Tochal Ski Resort, located north of Tehran, APC President praised the facilities and described the site as just amazing as one of the best resorts of the world.



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Keywords: Iran paralympic