
Oct 17, 2022 12:25

APC awards honorary golden badge to Iran NPC President

APC awards honorary golden badge to Iran NPC President


In a meeting held at the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs headquarters, Asian Paralympic Honorary Golden Badge was awarded to Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa, Chairman of Iran NPC and NOC by APC President Majid Rashed, today.

The badge was presented to Mr. Khosravi Vafa in recognition of his long-standing efforts as the biggest supporter of Iranian athletes with impairments in a meeting on Monday (17 October).

While receiving the Badge, Mahmoud Khosravi Vafa said that APC President's praise of Iran's Paralympic Sports is a great honor for him.

After paying a visit to the IRI National Sport Olympic and Paralympic Museum, APC President Majid Rashed met the Iranian Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs Dr. Seyed Hamid Sajjadi.

APC Golden Badge is the highest accolade anyone can receive within the Asian Paralympic Movement.


Mr VafaBadge


Code : 5,131
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