
Dec 19, 2022 12:06

IPC’s Nostalgic Top Paralympic Moments of 2022: Iranian Para Volley's Icon among the Pictorial Memories of Tokyo

top stories paralympic
As 2022 comes to an end, International Paralympic Committee looks back at the memorable moments in the Paralympic Movement this year. look at the IPC's pictorial memory of Tokyo Paralympians!

As 2022 comes to an end, International Paralympic Committee (IPC) looks back at the memorable moments in the Paralympic Movement this year.


The anniversaries of three Paralympic Games, has also mentioned as one of the top golden moments of the 2022, by IPC.

Involved in the first anniversary of the postponed Tokyo 2020 Games and its nostalgic-evoked memories, a poster has been published on the IPC’s social media inspired by the Paralympians’ images to highlight their powerful and physical dynamism.

The image of the Iran’s sitting volleyball icon, Morteza Mehrzad- giant in size and sporting prowess- is also among the para champions, in the designed poster.


Celebrating anniversaries

This year was full of memorable moments. While the COVID-19 pandemic continued to affect people’s lives, we saw Para athletes taking the spotlight. They were back and competing in tournaments around the world. 

While we looked forward to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, we also took some time to look back and celebrate the anniversaries of recent Games. In addition to the first anniversary of the postponed Tokyo 2020 Games, this summer marked the 10th anniversary of London 2012 and the 30th anniversary of Barcelona 1992.

We spoke with athletes who competed at Tokyo 2020. Para taekwondo’s Lisa Gjessing and Para badminton’s Cheah Liek Hou shared what winning gold meant for them and their sports, which made their Paralympic debuts in the Japanese capital. Two-time Paralympian Manami Ito, who played the violin at the Opening Ceremony, also showed us how to play the instrument with a prosthetic arm,” is stated by IPC Website.

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Keywords: Iran Paralympic Committee,international Paralympic Committee,memorable moments,Iran Paralympic,iran morteza mehrzad