
Feb 12, 2023 09:10

Milano Cortina 2026 unveils finalists of mascots designs submitted by school students

top stories |paralympic
Two proposals inspired by the nature of Italy were revealed on 8 February at the Sanremo music festival, and a public survey was launched to help select the design of the Games mascots.



The Milano Cortina 2026 Organising Committee has shortlisted two sets of designs of the official Paralympic and Olympic Games mascots following a review of hundreds of ideas submitted by schools across Italy.

The two proposals were presented on 8 February and revealed for the first time during the Sanremo music festival. A public survey was also launched to select the design that will become a source of inspiration for the official mascots of the Games.

Italian wheelchair fencing Paralympic gold medallist Bebe Vio was part of a committee of experts who helped decide the two designs.


Flowers and Siblings

The first design features an edelweiss and a snowdrop designed by children from the Istituto Comprensivo A.B. SABIN of Segrate, Milan. The two little flowers embark on a journey from the mountains to the city, while learning to overcome obstacles and getting to know each other better.

By taking part in a journey full of encounters, unexpected setbacks and hurdles to overcome, the edelweiss and the snowdrop will become outstanding examples of the Paralympic and Olympic values. They are two little flowers that overcome tremendous challenges to make it to the Games.


mascot Design 2026



In the second design, we meet a pair of super-sporty stoats that set off for the Winter Games with one goal - they aim to compete in all disciplines by giving their best in every test. It was created by schoolchildren from Istituto Comprensivo di Taverna in Catanzaro, Calabria in the south of Italy, making a nationwide contest.

The twins believe that the Paralympic and Olympic Games are for everyone, so there will be a place for two stoats who are as good as any other athlete. During their journey to the Games, the siblings will test their skills to master obstacles and unforeseen challenges, displaying the character of true champions.

super-sporty stoats 2026



Choose your Favourite

Schools in Italy have done their part by submitting hundreds of mascot proposals. Now it is your turn to join the Fan Team of Milano Cortina 2026 to learn more about the two finalist duos and choose your favourite pair.

You can vote here

design selection2026


The public voting process marks the end of the school involvement phase in the mascot selection project. The winning entry will be a source of inspiration for the eventual Games mascots design.


Idea competition

The finalists’ drawings were selected from the many entries made by students of primary school classes from all over Italy who participated in the ideas competition called “La scuola per le Mascotte di Milano Cortina 2026.”

The initiative, launched by Fondazione Milano Cortina 2026 and the Italian Ministry of Education in June 2021, focused on involving teachers and students in the Road to the Games, encouraging the participation of young people in the spirit of the Paralympic and Olympic values.

Approximately 400 applications and 1,600 project ideas were received, with 681 classes taking part and 82 institutes collectively authoring the graphic designs. A committee of experts helped decide on the two designs.


mascot Design 2026

The two designs were selected from hundreds of entries made by students of primary school classes from all over Italy

Milano Cortina 2026/ By Milano Cortina 2026 and IPC



Source: IPC Website
Code : 5,440
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Keywords: nature of Italy,Games mascots