
Mar 5, 2023 14:01

NPC President Visits National Tennis Federation

NPC President Visits National Tennis Federation
NPC President Dr. Ghafoor Karegari visited I. R. Iran Tennis Federation on Sunday, 5 March.


Dr. Ghafoor Karegari, the President of National Paralympic Committee, accompanied by Dr. Saeid Solgi, the Sport Manager of NPC paid a visit to the equipment of Tennis Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its accessibility for the para table tennis players.

Following the visit, a meeting was held between NPC President and the head of National Tennis Federation Mehrdad Ghardashi at the NTF’s headquarters.

During the meeting, the two presidents expressed their intent to work together toward the improvement of Iran Paralympic Movement.

The two heads had in-depth discussions on major issues concerning well preparation of Iranian para table tennis players for Hangzhou Asian Para Games, Paralympic Games and the establishment of opportunities to develop the sport in the various aspects. They agreed to strengthen communication and exchanges, and advance practical cooperation.


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Code : 5,508
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