
May 27, 2023 13:45

NPC President welcomes APC Executive Board to Tehran

news| paralympic| Iran NPC President| welcomes
On the first day of the Session, the EB of Asian Paralympic Committee was greeted by IRI NPC.

NPC IRAN- NPC IRAN- During the short opening ceremony of APC 30th EB, the President of National Paralympic Committee Dr. Ghafoor Karegari along with NPC CEO Dr. Kamal Javanmard, Deputy Minister of Women's Sports Development (and the women’s vice president of NPC) Dr. Maryam Kazemipour and the NPC Chief Advisor Masoud Ashrafi attend the Session for welcoming the guests to Tehran, this morning.


Dr. Karegari speech2


Saluting the Board, NPC President said: “I would like to extend my welcome to all of you; the members of APC and EB, and especially to the APC President Mr. Majid Rashed.

For us is a great privilege to host the Asian officials here, in Tehran.

This meeting is an important event for us in terms of strengthening relationship with APC which is under a strong leadership of Mr. Rashed.”

Concluding his brief statement, Dr. Karegari expresses Iran's willingness to increase collaboration with APC for the benefits of all Asian athletes and the development of Paralympic Movement in the region.

The APC Board trip will be concluded on 29 May 2023, with two days of attending the EB meeting and a day of touring National Sports Museum, visiting Iran Sports Official and taking part in a press conference.

Source: NPC Iran
Code : 5,672
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Keywords: Iranian Paralympic,NPC Iran,executive board,asian paralympic committee,Iran NPC President,President welcome