
Jul 9, 2023 08:36

NPC President Hails Iranian Sitting Volleyball Team's Achievements at 2023 PVAO Championships

news| paralympic| NPC President Hails Iranian Sitting Volleyball Team's Achievements at 2023 PVAO Championships
NPC President hails Iranian sitting volleyball team's success at 2023 PVAO Championships.


Iran NPC, Tehran- Following Team Iran's achievements at the 2023 Astana Sitting Volleyball Asia Oceania Zone Championships, the National Paralympic Committee (NPC) President Dr. Ghafoor Karegary congratulated the squads in a message.


President Karegary said: “Your medals winning and shining at Asian Zone once again, delighted all Iranians, sporting community and especially Paralympic Family.

On the behalf of entire Paralympic Family, I would like to congratulate our men and, in particular women players for their remarkable display at the 2023 PVAO Championships, and also to thank the technical staff, team managers and the officials of Iran Sports Federation for the Persons with Disabilities for their great efforts.

NPC wishes that such excellence of the squads will be continued for long in the upcoming endeavors."


Iran Men's team retained its title and Women’s squad also finished in runner-up at the finals of 2023 WPV Sitting Volleyball Asia Oceania Zone Championships, in Astana, Kazakhstan, Saturday on July 8th.


Source: Iran NPC
Code : 5,833
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Keywords: NPC President,Iranian Sitting Volleyball Team,PVAO Championships