
Jul 17, 2023 07:57

Dr. Karegary Meets National Para Swimmers

news| paralympic| Dr. Karegary Meets National Para Swimmers
Iran NPC President met national para swimmers at the training camp.


Iran NPC, Tehran- The President of National Paralympic Committee Dr. Ghafoor Karegary attended in the preparatory camp of para swimming and supervised the technical preparation process of the athletes who are to send the upcoming events including Hangzhou APG and World Championships.

The visit involves Iran NPC Sports Deputy Dr. Saeid Solgi and IRISFD's officials.

During the visit, Dr. Karegary had a friendly talk with para swimmers and the technical staff.


The camp has been staged by I. R. Iran Sports Federation for the Persons with Disabilities (IRISFD) and National Paralympic Committee's support in Tehran from July 11 to 27 2023.

Iran para swimming camp 7

Iran para swimming camp 4

Iran para swimming camp 2

Para Swimming Visit 3

Source: Iran NPC
Code : 5,878
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Keywords: NPC President,preparatory camp,para swimming