Jan 8, 2024 19:35

Tehran Municipality Honors Hangzhou APG Medalists

news| paralympic| Tehran Municipality Honors Hangzhou APG Medalists
Hangzhou Asian Para Games Medalists were Honored by Tehran Municipality on Monday.

Iran NPC, Tehran: The 4th Asian Para Games (APG) medalists and technical staff were honored by Tehran Municipality in a ceremony at Milad Tower conference hall, Monday, 8 January 2024.
The ceremony was attended by Tehran Mayor Dr. Alireza Zakani, National Paralympic Committee President Dr. Ghafoor Karegary along with other NPC officials and members, Tehran City Council Deputies and members, Presidents of National Cooperative Federations (NCFs), managers and sports officials.

During the meeting, Dr. Alireza Zakani, Tehran Mayor, stated: “Today's presence is a tribute to your determination, greatness and will. We are proud of para athletes. They have been demonstrated potential and ambition to succeed in gaining key roles at the highest level of their sports.
We hope that Para athletes will showcase their capabilities at the upcoming events, too.”


NPC President Dr. Karegary also expressed his gratitude to Tehran Municipality for holding the ceremony and said: “This appreciation ceremony will provide role models and direction for our youth. The God’s mercy was open to us at Hangzhou APG; Winning 131 colourful medals was the result of a five-year-effort of Paralympic family, including para athletes, technical staff, sport federations, National Paralympic Committee and the officials.”
“Iran’s Paralympians have set shining example of courage and determination in the society and NPC aims at promoting Para Sports and Paralympic Movement across the country,” he added.
“We hope to advance in Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, Asian Youth and Aichi-Nagoya 2026 Para Games with the necessary supports”, President Karegary concluded.
Medalists were given prizes by the end of the ceremony.

Team Iran finished second place in the medals tally of the Fourth Asian Para Games for the first time, after winning 44 golds, 46 silvers and 41 bronzes.

Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,386
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Keywords: Tehran Municipality,Hangzhou APG,Iran NPC