
Mar 11, 2024 13:21

Iran on Course for Paralympic Quotas/ President Karegary Chairs NPC Coord-Commission Meeting of Paris 2024

news| paralympic| Iran on Course for Paralympic Quotas/ President Karegary Chairs NPC Coord-Commission Meeting of Paris 2024
Iran’s NPC Coordination Commission Meeting held a number of constructive discussions on Paris 2024, Sunday (March 10th).


Iran NPC, Tehran: With the less than five months to go until the start of Paris 2024 Paralympic Games, Iranian Para athletes have already secured a total of 37 quota places across seven sports, including Para Athletic, Para Archery, Para Shooting, Para Taekwondo, Para Swimming and the two men’s national teams of Sitting Volleyball and Goalball.

Chaired by National Paralympic Committee President Karegary, the third domestic Coordination Commission meeting of Paris 2024 Paralympic Games held on 10 March at the NPC headquarters.
During the meeting, the Commission outlined the priorities in preparation for sending Team Iran to the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games and subsequently discussed several topics, which include growing the quality of the Pre-Games’ training camp, attending the upcoming events to focus on the remaining opportunities and obtain more Paris quota spots.
The meeting was included by NPC official and National Federations representatives.
The Paris 2024 Paralympic Summer Games will take place between 28 August and 8 September, to follow on the Olympic Games, which take place between 26 July to 11 August.


Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,536
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Keywords: Paralympic Quota,Coord-Commission Meeting,Paris 2024 Paralympics