
Apr 24, 2024 10:47

Happy World ParaVolley Day!

news| paralympic| Happy World ParaVolley Day!
Iran NPC Honours its Sitting Volleyball Family for their four decades of incredible success, collaboration and tireless efforts in achieving glory.


Iran NPC, Tehran: On the occasion of World ParaVolley Day on 24 April, National Paralympic Committee appreciates the sitting volleyball players, technical staff, volunteers, and supporters for their roles in sport’s growth across the country and their extraordinary efforts to present Team Iran on top of the World.

It is a significant achievement for Iran's men as the most decorated national team to rank atop over the past four decades in sitting volleyball included in winning nine consecutive Paralympic Games medals (seven golds and two silvers) - with Paris 2024 being the 10th appearance of the discipline, the eight World Championships title, and also four Asian Para Games golds.


Iran 1st Sitting Volleyball Team


April 24, 1981, marked the birth of a revolutionary movement in Bonn, Germany – a movement that would change the landscape of ParaVolley forever. On this historic day, the international federation, World ParaVolley, emerged and ignited a global passion for inclusivity and excellence in sports.

Every serve, every spike, every block, and every victory is a tribute to the boundless potential of our sport.

Happy World ParaVolley Day!




Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,603
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