
May 25, 2015 08:48

The Inauguration of I.R. IRAN NPC Paralympic Day Permanent Headquarters

The Inauguration of I.R. IRAN NPC Paralympic Day Permanent Headquarters

24th May 2015, Tehran. I.R.I NPC held a ceremony to include National Paralympic Day in its routine mission to serve the people with different impairment.

A new building has been dedicated as National Paralympic Day Headquarters to follow up all the affairs related to the event.  Amir Mandegarfard, I.R.Iran NPC Secretary General in his opening speech, referring to inclusion National Paralympic Day in Iranian annual calendar on 16th Oct., said: "the first edition of this event was launched in 2001 only by attending 2860, while in the last year we handled about 40,000 people in the ceremony.



Thanks to the efforts of all former NPC officials, this initiative traces two goals; to awake disabled families as there are honor podiums for their children, and then to send the message to the society; people with disabilities are capable to bring honor for the country."



The established headquarters is serious to run all the assigned missions to promote para-sport in the country. Added; during these years I.R.Iran NPC always enjoyed the precious message of Sir Philip Craven in the ceremony.




Code : 679
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