
Jul 29, 2024 11:50

Iran Para Archery Team Hones Skills at Lavasan’s Training Center for Paris 2024

news| paralympic| Iran Para Archery Team Hones Skills at Lavasan’s Training Center for Paris 2024

The eighth national training camp of Iran Para Archery gets underway in Lavasan City from today.


Iran NPC, Tehran:

In an effort to boost sporting performance at upcoming Paris 2024 and prepare Iranian Para archers for the 17th edition of the Summer Paralympic Games, Lavasan City, Tehran, hosts a 12-day national camp from July 29th.

The camp roster features six athletes, including:

Gholamreza Rahimi, Mohammadreza Arab Ameri, Alisina Manshaezadeh, Hadi Nouri, Somayeh Rahimi, Fatemeh Hemati.

The squad follows training sessions under the lead of head coach Milad Vaziri, accompanied by the coaches Majid Ahmadi and Zahra Shams.

Iranian Para archers have secured six quota slots for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games.

A total of 140 Para archers (75 men and 65 women) can compete at nine medal events of Paris 2024, taking place at Invalides between 29 August and 5 September.

Source: Iran NPC
Code : 6,792
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Keywords: Iran Para Archery Team