
Jun 9, 2015 06:40

Goalball Coaching & Officiating Courses in Al-Zahra University

Tehran, 22- 27 May 2015.

In line with expansion  of Paralympic Movement in the society and also ground making to educate technical and efficient women in Para-sports for the future, Al-Zahra Physical Education Department in cooperation with I.R. Iran NPC conducted the first coaching & officiating courses at level three for the students. I.R. Iran Sports Federation for the Blinds (IRISFB) supervised the course. Mr. Mohammad Bigdeli, the experienced Goalball national head coach, taught 18 students and finished the class with respective tests.

At the officiating course, Ms. Nastaran Fotovati, one of famed instructors of IRISFB conducted the course attended by 19 students who participated from Arak, Rasht, Mazandaran, Ahwaz, Isfahan cities, and also from I.R. Iran Special Education Organization.         
Code : 709
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