
Jun 22, 2015 10:42

Friendship, the Humanitarian Element the Message from Iranian Women’s Course

Tehran, 30th June – 3rd May 2015.
Under the auspices of the ITTF Development Programme, the expert on duty; Mrs. Limoochi conducted the sixth level one course; the course handling enjoyed the support of National Table Tennis Federation of Iran and was also supported by the International Table Tennis Federation.

"I strongly believe that these coaching courses contribute to the growth and development of table tennis and also the uniformity of training procedures”, stressed Sima Limoochi. “All the necessary guidelines and requirements are detailed in the ITTF Development plan.” She added.

Furthermore, it was the first time a course had been conducted using the Persian version of the Manual; this fact added greatly to the smooth progress of the course and most certainly helped with the item on the agenda which brought proceedings to a conclusion.

Code : 738
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