
Oct 18, 2022 13:38

APC President visits IRISFD



The last leg of the Iran NPC tour took APC President to IRI Sports Federation for the Disabled (IRISFD), today.

Upon paying a visit to the IRI National Campus, training facilities, indoor sports halls and a range of sporting venues, APC President Majid Rashed along with APC CEO Tarek Souei met the officials of Iran Sports Federation for the Disabled on 18 October.

Iran NPC’s official also accompanied Asian dignitaries throughout the tour.


On his arrival, President Rashed was welcomed by IRISFD’s President and Secretary Dr. Asbaghian and Masoud Hamidi, respectively.


Followed by a stop to watch the demonstrational activities of para zurkhaneh Sports performed by the athletes at the IRISFD, Mr. President visited the national para powerlifting training camp. During a friendly conversation with the Iranian coaching staffs and national para powerlifters, Majid Rashed expressed his hope to see IRI team at the upcoming Fazza 12th Dubai 2022 World Cup.



Photo by: Reza Joshaghani


IRISFD visit 1


IRISFD visit 7

IRISFD visit 8

IRISFD visit 6

IRISFD visit 5

IRISFD visit 4


IRISFD visit 3

IRISFD visit 2

IRISFD visit 10

IRISFD visit 9




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Keywords: paralympic iran npc